2-8 February, 2020 — Milan, Italy
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Emotions In Motion

How Sound Design translates emotional reactions into meaningful actions.

Emotions drive our motions. While every movement in the real world has a corresponding sound that gives us context and emotional guidance, as designers, it’s up to us to add sounds to any digital experience we make. Let’s explore the role sound plays in our communication and emotions, often before words are even spoken.

Chris Seifert

Chris Seifert

Chris was an original member of the Echo and Alexa UX design team and currently leads Amazon Sound Design. He combined his background of speech communications, music composition, and sound design to craft emotional, innovative, and universal sound languages for games such as The Sims and Spore. As the conductor of the Amazon soundscape, Chris helped build the foundation of Alexa’s personality through sound and his team creates the sounds that accompany her voice in Amazon features and products.

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