2-8 February, 2020 — Milan, Italy
interaction 19 logo

Code Of Conduct

The IxDA seeks to advance the discipline of interaction design by fostering a community of passionate individuals dedicated to moving our mission forward.

Our mission is broad and inclusive, and our membership is passionate and diverse. While these attributes make the IxDA a strong and vibrant organization, they also bring the possibility of disagreement and cultural disconnect. As a volunteer-led organization we rely on the active participation of our community, which can only happen if all of our members feel safe and respected.

To achieve this goal, the IxDA respectfully asks the following of our membership, both for online and in-person interactions under our brand:

If a disagreement, harassment or uncomfortable situation persists, the IxDA is committed to providing support and resolution. In a physical setting such as a conference or local event, contact the organizers immediately. Participants asked to stop any harassing behavior are expected to comply immediately. Additionally, our online forums have moderators who can take action on members creating a hostile environment for others. Consequences can include removal from the forum and suspension of the member’s IxDA account.

We want Interaction Week to be a great experience for everyone. If you see something, or something happens, that makes that not the case, please do reach out to our volunteers. They’re here to help you!

If you want to talk directly to one of our leadership team, here’s how to get in touch:

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